SDS - VR K Class DC K149 Original with Flare Top Tender Victorian Railways. DC model,


SKU: K149 DC

The Victorian Railways built ten K class engines at Newport Workshops between 1922/23, numbered 100 to 109. They were originally put to work on branchline goods services, however they soon came to work all types of trains. 

In 1940 they were renumbered to 140 to 149, later again they were rebuilt with Modified Front End. The models represent the original version and the renumbered version.



Model Features:
- Highly detailed Ready-to-Run HO gauge model 
- Precisely tooled body
- Genuine Kadee scale head whisker coupler (Tender)
- Separately applied handrails and detail parts

- All wheel electrical pickup
- LED headlights and marker lights
- All models come standard with an MTC 21 pin motherboard 

- Keep Alive Circuit

- Exclusive sound by DCCSound

- 22" Minimum radius recommended

DC                     $ 660.00

DCC / Sound    $ 799.00     each

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