The M1-KA is a small form factor hard-wire decoder with 2 lighting functions for HO and N scale installations. This decoder is designed for installations where space is limited.
The M1-KA includes factory-installed Blue and Black&White wires to use when connecting Keep Alive®. In order to use Keep Alive® with this decoder, simply solder the wires from the Keep Alive® to the corresponding wires on the decoder.
Also see the KAM4, which is a M-series decoder with on-board Keep Alive™. The M1-KA can be used in situations where the Keep Alive™ device must be mounted elsewhere.
Provides superior slow speed control and high performance under load.
Super-quiet motor control for "buzz" free motor performance.
Decoder will automatically detect DC power. You can also configure how your lighting effects function on DC.
This feature allows the decoder to talk to the command station. RailCom supports expansion for new features.
Allows you to make custom acceleration and deceleration curves.
This decoder can be used with 12 Volt bulbs.
Buttons 0 through 12 may be used to control the lighting functions of this decoder.
Choose from 20 separate user-programmable lighting effects!
Configure multiple different brightness levels for your LED's or incandescent bulbs.
Feature which prevents accidental/unwanted programming while activated.
Fully compatible with Airwire™ operation.
Configure custom speed curves and set speed limits.